Host company page like a Boss

We choose to use WordPress for our company website, and here is why and how to setup one like that for your company.

WordPress is a cool old school tool to quickly make a great website, it comes with a wast selection of existing templates and designs which you can put on, do minimum modifications and host.

The only problem with classical hosting – you need to have DB and HTTP server running with PHP installed and being executed on (almost) every request. For few pages personal blog or a simple company website, this is a bit overkill in out opinion, plus if your DB service dies with random error (e.g. out of memory), you left with a broken website until you notice and fix it.

One different approach is to host your website with just static, which can be generated bu SimplyStatic plugin (or a number of other plugins), which then can be served using any hosting provider (e.g. CloudFront in AWS).

The benefits are: cheaper to host (~50c vs 3-5$), more resilient to different attacks (it’s impossible to pick your password, b.c. there is no connection to any DB, also much faster content delivery, b.c. there is no PHP to be executed.

Downsides include lack of features on the website, you can’t have anything that relies on DB, e.g your contact form need to be transformed with just a email link and a phone number.